When you get to high school, it can seem like it is hard to make new friends because everyone already knows each other. However, it is never too late to expand your circle of friends. Start by trying to meet new people that you might have something in common with. When you come across someone you like, strike up a friendly conversation and see where it goes.
On your first day of high school, choose what you think will be the best place to make friends. As well, if you are one of the last people in class, you can see which people you might bond with. During lunch, try and find people who are also alone by themselves who are in your grade that you could bond with. Look for people who have the same hobbies as you. You are more likely to be friends with someone if you have something in common with them.
When introducing yourself say your name and something interesting about yourself. As for when a good time to is introduce yourself, you could jump into a conversation that is about a topic you also know about. Lending a hand, saying a compliment or a joke is also a great way of introducing yourself. Most likely, your teachers will already have a plan for you to get to know people on the first day of school as well.
Ask about extracurricular activities to see if he or she is involved in any school organizations or sports. Ask about favorite subjects so you can find out their likes and dislikes and see their reasons why. See what their favorites are food, TV show or movie, early morning or late-night person, etc. These are good questions to ask to get to know people. See if some of the answers they give are something you enjoy as well. The best and easiest way to see if you have something in common is to see if they have the same type of class as you or if they like it just as much as you do.
If you worry that you might not be a good friend for them, try and be yourself. Some people will think going into high school you should change the type of person you are. If you feel like that will work for you, then go for it. But going back to your old self is easier and people get to know the real you. Think about how you could be a good friend for them without trying to change the type of person you are entirely, to best fit how you will be within the friendship.
Photo by Rodnae Productions on Pexels